Friday, November 25, 2005

an adventure into cyberspace

Call me Dick.

There are some things I don't like. Don't get me wrong. I'm pretty happy with the way most things are going, but there are some things that need changing and we don't seem to have a government that wants to change them for the better.

Here is what I like.

Long walks on the beach at sunrise (or sunset)
The constititution
The flag

Here is what I don't like.

The president
The republican congress
Fuck ups (which is why I don't like the first two)
Anyone named Osama
Budget deficits
The religious right
Anyone who tells me what I should believe or not believe
Anyone who tries to stop progress and the advancement of intelligence
(which is why I don't like the religious right and Osama)

There are a lot of other things I like and a number of other things I don't. For example, did I mention that I like chicks? But I don't like people that tell me I have to like chicks. It's kind of like, I really like that Scion Tc, but I wouldn't want people telling me I had to like it. That brings me to why I am writing this blog. I think it is time to get my ideas out where people can read them, and I think it's time to find out whether anyone agrees with me. Keep tuning in and I'll keep telling you what I think and why I'm right.

Or my name isn't Dick Clinch.


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