Friday, November 10, 2006

the four horsemen

Another election day had passed and I’m reasonably satisfied with the results, but it is kind of like that national championship game last century when Carolina and Michigan were playing and it looked like it was going to come down to one of the better championship games when Chris Webber called a timeout he didn’t have. I was happy with the result, because I won the office basketball pool. My closest competitors all had the Wolverines to win it all, but forgot to take Carolina to the final four.

My first reaction to the election is that Bush didn’t try hard enough to help the Republicans in congress. It was like he turned his back on them like he did America in 2001. I wonder if he’s drinking or doping again.

Why didn’t he get Osama on Al Jazeera giving us a speech telling us that all of us Americans were doing the right thing wanting to get out of Iraq? All bin Laden would have had to say was that the Republicans in congress were rat bastards and it would have insured they would have kept control of the legislative branch.

Why did Bush parade Chaney out the week before the election saying that we were going to stay the course in Iraq? Why did Bush come out and say, a week before the election, that Chaney and Rummy were staying until the end of his administration?

Why did Bush give a speech three weeks before the election saying that the opposition party was the party of cut and run because they wanted to end the Iraq conflict? Basically he was calling the majority of the American public the public of cut and run. I wonder if Bush just got stupid on us, or if he wanted to lose congress.

Actually, I think it is both. He and the congress have looted the treasury and destroyed the country and it is going to take so long to get back to dead even again. I guess he figured he had done all the damage he cared to, so he’ll turn it over to the other party so they will have to make the tough decisions to fix it.

Many of you are probably saying that old Richard is sounding like a conspiracy theorist. I can only respond to that in one way.

Suck my dick!

And don’t ever call me a conspiracy theorist again.

I just have a bad feeling that Karl Rove feels like he hasn’t fucked us all in the ass as much as he could and he is just trying to get in a few final, unlubricated strokes before he goes to hell.

Rove, Bush, Cheney and bin Laden will all be in hell sooner or later and I guess they all figure we need to experience hell, too.

Yeah, the four horsemen of the apocalypse just have to do it to us one more time.

Or my name isn’t Dick Clinch.


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