more reason for christmas hope
You may recall that a couple of weeks ago your buddy Dick wrote an open letter to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the “President” of Iran, responding to the open letter he wrote to the American people. You also may remember that the Iranian leader criticized our President and his mistakes in the Middle East. While both George and Mahmoud share only one positive quality—that is the ability to jack off with either hand—neither one of them, nor that quality, is worth as much as a pile of chicken excrement to the voting public. Unfortunately, Mahmoud’s comments could only best be defined as the pot calling the kettle black.
The net positive that I have seen is that Iran held elections this week and the opposition parties won a majority of the seats that were contested. It reminded me of another election last month here in the United States. In both cases neither of the presidents were actually running, but the voters informed them, by means of the ballot box, that the presidents were not doing the will of the people. Or, perhaps, the voters in both cases were simply stating that being able to jack off with both hands wasn’t a sufficient skill.
In the case of Iran, we have known for a time that the people were voting by means of blaring western rap music through the streets of Tehran that freedom is freedom, and that people are going to gravitate toward control of their own lives. People are always going to have confidence in themselves and their own abilities and will not have someone else’s will imposed upon them. I think the people of Iran—and the people of the United States a month earlier—were saying they didn’t care which hand their leader jacked off with, just as long as he cleaned up afterward. The voters in both places were telling their leaders to go to their own respective jack yard and back off.
Will either of these two elections really make a difference? Probably not that much. But it is a start. It renews ones faith in the advancement of Western civilization. It gives one hope that one day the people of Iran will vote their jack-off out of office, and one day—when our jack-off is gone, we’ll replace him with someone better.
Fuckin-A right.
Or my name isn’t Dick Clinch.
The net positive that I have seen is that Iran held elections this week and the opposition parties won a majority of the seats that were contested. It reminded me of another election last month here in the United States. In both cases neither of the presidents were actually running, but the voters informed them, by means of the ballot box, that the presidents were not doing the will of the people. Or, perhaps, the voters in both cases were simply stating that being able to jack off with both hands wasn’t a sufficient skill.
In the case of Iran, we have known for a time that the people were voting by means of blaring western rap music through the streets of Tehran that freedom is freedom, and that people are going to gravitate toward control of their own lives. People are always going to have confidence in themselves and their own abilities and will not have someone else’s will imposed upon them. I think the people of Iran—and the people of the United States a month earlier—were saying they didn’t care which hand their leader jacked off with, just as long as he cleaned up afterward. The voters in both places were telling their leaders to go to their own respective jack yard and back off.
Will either of these two elections really make a difference? Probably not that much. But it is a start. It renews ones faith in the advancement of Western civilization. It gives one hope that one day the people of Iran will vote their jack-off out of office, and one day—when our jack-off is gone, we’ll replace him with someone better.
Fuckin-A right.
Or my name isn’t Dick Clinch.
Labels: both hands, bush, jacking off
"Feliz Natal a quem acorda, todas as manhãs a criança adormecida em si e, moleque, sai pelas esquinas quebrando convenções que só obrigam a quem carece de convicção. E aos artífices da alegria que, no calor da dúvida, dão linha à manivela da fé.
Feliz Natal aos que ignoram o alfabeto da vingança e jamais pisam na armadilha do desamor, pois sabem que o ódio destrói primeiro quem odeia.
Feliz Natal a todos os que pulam corda com a linha do horizonte e riem à sobeja dos que apregoam o fim da História. E aos que suprimem a letra erre do verbo amar e se recusam a ser reféns do pessimismo"
Feliz Natal,beijos
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